Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Five Reasons Why I Love East Hill

Happy Wednesday!

To be added to the Lord's church is an indescribable blessing (Acts 2:47; cf. 1 John 3:1-3). That blessing is magnified all the more when the congregation with whom one worships and works is following as closely as possible to the Biblical pattern. Today I want to share with you just five reasons (there are many more) why I am thankful to be a member of the Lord's church that meets at East Hill.

1. I love East Hill because of the love and unity that exists among us there. Coming together is like a weekly family homecoming. "Sometimes we laugh together, sometimes we cry." We are a group of real-life Christians – imperfect people made perfect by the precious blood of Jesus Christ.

The church office recently received a call from a man who expressed an interest in becoming a Christian. A home Bible study was scheduled and conducted. During that study, the man was asked what prompted him to call East Hill. He replied, "When I visited, I could tell you are a loving family who cares about each other and who has fun together. I want to be a part of that." Thanks be to God for the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love!

2. I love East Hill because of her faithful leaders. The church at East Hill has been blessed with many incredible shepherds throughout its sixty year history. Our present eldership is, without doubt, one of the best ever. They are qualified (1 Tim. 3; Titus 1), spiritual, prayerful, soul-conscious men who want to see the gospel spread throughout the world. They refuse to pass up great opportunities that the Lord gives us as a congregation. They support and encourage each Christian. They love lost souls and compassionately reach out to the erring. I trust them with more than my life – I trust them with my soul. I know they will, to the best of their ability, lead the East Hill church on the right way to heaven (Mat. 7:13-14; John 14:6).

3. I love East Hill because of her Bible classes. There is no greater joy or privilege than teaching a Bible class at East Hill. While I have a passion for preaching the gospel, the classroom is my favorite venue to proclaim the message of God in an assembly setting. One of my elders and I co-teach a Sunday morning adult class of around 20-25 people. Each Wednesday morning, I teach a Ladies Bible class comprised of some of the greatest Bible scholars I have ever met. My Wednesday nights are currently spent with the teenagers, who challenge me to be a better Christian and who encourage me about the future of the church. In each case, we all grow closer together and closer to God as we study from the Bible, share prayer requests, and pray together.

4. I love East Hill because of the way she worships. Worship is not just another routine at East Hill. Instead, it is a beautiful expression of praise and adoration to God in heaven each and every Lord's day (yes, both Sunday morning and Sunday night!). These Christians assemble each week because they genuinely love the Lord. They follow along in their Bibles, they reverently reflect as they partake of the Lord's Supper, they cheerfully give to the Lord's work, they believe in the power of prayer, and the singing ... well, the singing is beautiful and touching. There is hardly a week that goes by but what I tear up, and sometimes have to stop singing for a note or two while I am leading the congregation in songs of praise to God. They love Him, and they want Him to know it through the worship they offer which He deserves.

5. I love East Hill because of her work ethic and generosity. Budgets are met with excess. Needs are provided and then some. I've seen it over and over again at East Hill, and, if you have observed this congregation very much, I imagine you have, too. None of it is for our glory, but to the glory of God.

"Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!" (1 John 3:1).

Get your spiritual batteries recharged – go study the Bible with the Lord's church tonight. If you're in Pulaski, come see us at East Hill!

Question: Why are you thankful for the congregation with whom you worship and work for Jesus?

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